
a pink lotus flower on a black background
tropical plants on a black background






From the dreamers who

found and trusted me

Those who manifested

healing, growth, freedom and

who now dream their life

Those who left a message for you

before embarking on their journey

T H A N K  Y O U  < 3


a pink lotus flower on a black background



Having a session with David was so inspiring.

I went into it thinking it was just for fun, without any intentions or expectations and was greatly surprised at how healing the session became.

I had some underlying fears he helped me identify and face from angles I never would have thought of. He also helped me understand some elements of life and this new understanding is helping me navigate the near future with more confidence.

He connected all the dots for me, dots that I didn’t even know needed connecting!

I stepped out of there feeling like a whole new me.

I consider David a Quantum Compass and I am very grateful to have met him.


After my first session with David, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

The creative and physical energy that I thought I permanently lost years ago has come back, along with my connection to the spiritual realm.

What you hear from him won’t be your average "cookie cutter" guidance. He won’t tell you what you want to hear; he will tell you what you NEED to hear.

His sessions are very personal, that is what separates him from a lot of other healers and makes him unique.

I am effectively working through my concerns and shadow self with a friend of mine. Communication with him feels easy.

I feel like I have been reborn and am on the right track to being my best self again.

I am so excited by this newfound knowledge about myself and the universe. I can't wait to see where it takes me.


David was the match to a wildfire deep inside of me.

I knew there were layers of intention and desire to execute my thoughts, but David so intricately and masterfully pulled those thoughts to bring clarity and direction to my projects.

For once, it feels exhilarating and awe inspiring to dream while I’m awake and my future has never looked so good after talking to him.

The Universe seems like a small place after our conversation because it put my purpose into perspective!


David has a unique way of putting you at ease with being vulnerable. There is something about the way he holds himself and the space around him that is just so comforting.

I have had the opportunity to have three sessions so far with David. One was with my partner. I have been surprised by how much awareness and perspective I gain from these sessions in such a short period of time. I have been able to really shift the way I am seeing things, which feels like direct healing, even though it also seems so simple at the same time. I have been able to see things in ways that I have not previously, have been able to open up different ways of telling the stories that I have been telling myself about things. That alone, is invaluable.

Beyond his healing skills, the space David has created is so lovely. It feels like you are literally up in the clouds, which is a perfect place to be when you are reflecting and looking inward. It takes you completely out of your normal existence and allows you to see things from a different angle (both literally and figuratively). The place of the work is just as important as the content.

It is clear how genuine and full of depth David is and I trust him with all my heart. It is truly amazing how one day you can just meet someone and they end up changing everything in the biggest and smallest of ways. That is David. And I plan to continue my work with him as a guide.


I had a session with David last week,

a healing talk type of deal.

He was the first person able to bring me back to reality and hold a mirror to my face. I’ve been avoiding eye contact with myself for years now.

Living in your head can be such a dangerous thing and through our talk David connected me to my heart.

To me the heart is the place where dreams form and the sound of him saying “DREAM BIGGER” and asking “WHERE IS YOUR HIGHER-SELF”

echoed for days afterwards.

I felt a very sudden shift, it was as if a portal opened up.

New synchronicities began presenting themselves to me. All in alignement with the big dreams David encouraged me to claim and pursue.

Truly, I was feeling braver and lighter after just one session. I felt seen and gently called out. But most importantly…

I felt free.


I am so grateful for David!

A true healer and medicine man <3

❁ YOU ?


a black background with a white logo on it

SENSIS™ ≋ 2024